Setting an example - #SharetheLoad

In the previous post I had highlighted my experience of how I got my husband to #Sharetheload at home. In this post I will be telling you all some more wonderful stories and messages shared with me by some of my customers.
We've all seen the new Ariel advertisement where a father feels guilty after watching her juggle both house and office work. You must have also read articles about how women who have a career still end up doing more housework than the man. This indirectly says that men are more slobs or messier than women.
I had a little chat with some of my customers and I would like to share the opinion and views they have put forth.
Shivani, a CA, had to give up her job to take care of her family and the house. Her in-laws are not very helpful. She has to do all the housework alone. She has to take care of her children. “I have to do all the work by myself. And I have to teach my teenage daughter also to do all the housework. Because I know, when we get married, it is us and not our husbands who do the household chores,” she says.
Jessica is a retired teacher who has two young sons. Her husband used to work in the gulf but he retired and came back some years ago. She says, “I had to do both work: house and school work. The men in my family are never helpful. They don’t even wash their own plates after eating their food. I sometimes get so tired. They are very lazy.”
75% of the women I spoke to said that they are the one’s doing all the housework. But there are still 25% of women whose husbands help them in household chores.
Michelle, who works in an MNC says, “My husband helps me in doing all the household chores. We have a son and we don’t want him to think that household work is only a woman’s job. Our son also sometimes helps us by doing little things like keeping his toys in place after he is done playing, cleaning up if he spills something, etc.”
Our children follow us. Whatever we do impacts the life of our children. Hence it is very important to set a wonderful example in front of our children who are the future of the world. Children mimic the behaviour of their parents, and the responsibility is on us to set the right example. It's time to end the cycle of prejudice surrounding household equality!
When we have gender equality at home, we are teaching our kids a wonderful and a valuable lesson.
I am joining the Ariel #ShareTheLoad campaign at BlogAdda and blogging about the prejudice related to household chores being passed on to the next generation.