Is Laundry only a woman’s job?

Previously, years back, it was very common to hear that a girl has to grow up to be a housewife whereas a man would go to work. But, that’s not the case now. With feminism and all the other equality campaigns, women are fighting to be on the same level as men. Throughout many decades women have been struggling to be equal to men, both at home and in the work place. Women have come a long way and have succeeded to gain equality in many aspects and fields.
Gender roles are very important in our society especially in our households. They have become important in life from birth, and society continues to push these gender roles. The treatment of the male gender is very different from that of the female, and this issue has become very important to me, as a woman. As children we learn and adapt to specific gender roles, and as we grow they become more evident and more important to our role in a society. There is a lot of discrimination against the female gender. Because of this discrimination, social mobility has been difficult, but is definitely changing to benefit women.
Let’s look into our houses. The women have to perform all the household work. Many of these women juggle both family and work responsibilities. Men on the other hand, only focus on their work life and earning money. They use their free time for recreational purposes or for resting. This creates an imbalance in the families.
Balance of Life lies when husband and wife walk shoulder to shoulder with each other in order to carry out beautiful journey called life. However, these words remain only quotes for generations. Men don’t perform even the simplest of the household activity. It is sad that 76% Men thing that laundry is women’s job and so is cleaning and cooking and even if they help it seems as favour not responsibility. As per Ariel’s statistics 76% Men feel that Laundry is Women’s job, but even remaining 24% Men can’t share the load of their wives.
The upbringing of our generations is one of the reasons for this inequality. Growing up, girls are well trained to juggle responsibilities both household and work whereas on the other hand boys only have to manage earning money. We need to break this stereotype.
Start with a simple thing as a laundry. Nowadays every house has a washing machine so it is even easier for men to handle laundry work and they don’t need to spend hours washing clothes manually in the bathroom heat.
When a husband understands that his wife is not the sole person responsible to do all the housework and tries to restore balance of life by helping his wife, he helps in breaking the household gender inequality. Such a kind of attitude can make a difference and may be after few year 100% men will share load of their wives.
“I am taking part in the #ShareTheLoad Challenge with Ariel and Akshara at BlogAdda.”
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