Softest For Baby Skin - 2
A baby is sunshine and moonbeams and more brightening your world as never before.
Previously, I had shared a post wherein I shared few ways to keep a child's skin soft and safe.
“Pampers brings you the softest ever Pampers Premium Care Pants. Its cotton-like softness is #SoftestForBabySkin and allows it to breathe, thus keeping baby’s skin soft and healthy, and your baby happy. ”
This is a second part for the BlogAdda and Pampers initiative of keeping a child's skin soft and safe.
Some years back, my brother and his wife had a baby girl. She was their second child. She was so beautiful. When I went to visit them in the hospital with my husband, I saw her sleeping peacefully in the cradle. When I picked her up, her soft skin brushed against mine.
My Niece and Nephew |
But her skin wasn't perfect. Just a couple of weeks after bringing her home from the hospital she started having skin problems like rashes, dry skin, etc.
At that time, my mom used a traditional method which helped heal her skin. And avoided any further skin problems. I would like to share those tips:-
1) Massage
The baby would be given a good massage with some selected natural oil. These include coconut oil, olive oil, baby oil, castor oil and almond oil to name a few. A good oil massage does provide a baby with some much needed relaxation.
It also helps keep a baby’s skin soft and smooth, adding extra moisture
to the already soft skin.
2) Bath
Next, the baby would be given a good hot/warn water bath with chana atta/gram flour. Atta is rubbed over the baby’s forehead and body to remove hair. This atta massage is also believed to promote blood circulation, soften the skin and aid in removing any toxins in the body. After that, proper shampoo and soap (doctor recommended) bath is given to the baby.
3) Drying after bath

4) The Dont's
My mother would always say that the tub bath is very drying for a baby's skin. Also she would try to keep the baby's room cool to avoid baby from sweating. Avoid letting baby sit or play or soak for long in soapy water.
5) Clothing
She would dress the baby in loose clothes especially cotton clothes, because cotton helps baby's skin breathe.
These were some of the tips that I shared that helps to keep a baby's soft skin safe. Hope you had fun reading. Thank You.
Babies are bits of stardust, blown from the hand of God.
-- Barretto
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