What She Wants?

On 8th March, we will be celebrating International Women's day. It is a day to celebrate all the amazing things a woman does for this world and for her family. A woman makes a lot of sacrifices when she gets married and moves in with her husband.
Every relationship is different and each couple is unique and special. Every person expects something before getting in a relationship.
But there are some common things all women want from their #SadaSexy partners.Most of the time men don't realize what their wives or their girlfriends want. A woman really doesn’t want much from a man.
Here is a list of the promises a woman wants you to make:-
1. Honesty-
A woman wants you to be loyal to her. She wants you to never break her trust. She wants you to be faithful to her and honest to her. She doesn't want you to keep anything secret. It is said secrecy is like the poison in a relationship. A woman doesn’t want a man to lie to her about important matters. She wants to be an important part of his life.
2. Romance-
A woman wants you to be romantic in a sweet way. Not in a creepy way. There is a very fine line between being romantic and being sticky. Surprises, dates and romantic talks are a way of making her feel loved. Kissing, making out, etc only makes you get closer to each other. But the best thing that you can do is to tell her how much you love her and appreciate her beauty.
3. Communication-
A woman wants her man to communicate with her freely. She wants him to share all the ups and downs in the relationship with her. She wants him to want to share in his pleasant experiences and memories.
4. Understanding and Time-
She wants you to know her – inside and out. She wants you to be there for her when she needs someone, to be there to share her burden. She wants you to spend time with her.
5. Responsibilities and Laughter-
She wants you to share responsibilities. These may be financial or household. She wants you to enjoy spending your time with her. Laugh with her, joke with her, make her feel special.
When you do these little things, you unknowingly make her feel very special. And loved. So go now! Make a wonderful promise to that special girl and fulfill it.
“I’m blogging about the kasams I want from my man this Women’s Day with the #SadaSexy activity at BlogAdda in association with Set Wet.”